Have Fun
While Being Safe
Always wear a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards when riding a skateboard ramp. Make sure the pads fit snug and properly.
It’s important to learn how to fall properly without putting too much stress on any one body part. It’s always best to fall and slide on your knee pads when possible.
A well-maintained ramp is a safe ramp. Rot can really weaken the surface plywood which can become dangerous. Every ramp should get a heavy coat of Skate Paint to protect the surface from weather. And every ramp should be tarped when not in use. It’s important that water does not sit on the flat surfaces of your tarped ramp. You want the water to fall off the sides like a tent.
If you follow the proper maintenance and take care for your ramp it can last more than 10 years without being resurfaced.